Sunday, February 13, 2011

My tooth, my tooth, my lovely lady tooth - Check it Out!

I chipped my tooth eating at Kneaders Bakery one day at lunch. Paul suggested I tell everyone that we'll never eat at Kneaders again; however, I'll never be able to say that. I love Kneaders!
So I had to have my tooth replaced with a crown. They had to take off the vaneer and all that remained is this cute little stub. The crown took a few weeks to make so I was called 'stubs' for a few weeks! Just kidding. They put a temporary tooth on little stubs while I was waiting for my beautiful new crown.

Shiloh's Birth

My sister Brittani went into labor with her first baby on January 30th! It was a really special experience for me because she allowed me to be apart of the labor and delivery. Kenny and Brittani's decision was to allow me to be there because I am not able to get pregnant. It was such a bonding and special experience! Thank you Brittani and Kenny for allowing me to be there during your very special moments! I will never forget it.

Here is Brittani experiencing labor first hand. She waited to see if she could do labor naturally and made it to a 7 without an epidural. It was amazing to watch!

Here is cute little Shiloh with all of his amazing hair!!! He came to the world weighing 6lbs. 8 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. He is so cute, I could have just taken him home.

Here I am the proud aunt holding the tiny bundle. He is such a calm baby and so snuggly.

Here is proud Brittani and Kenny just a few minutes after labor was over. I am so thankful that I could be there, but after experiencing it, I think there is a reason I am adopting :)