Here is Harley sitting in front of the tree on Christmas morning. Santa treated us right!
On Christmas Eve we spend the evening with my family. This year Brittani was having some really bad stomach pains and we ended up in the ER. The doctors weren't sure exactly what was wrong, but they sent her home with some meds and she was really sleepy. So we had some really funny and fun times as a family.
Christmas morning at the Russell's. Paul making breakfast and showing off his belt buckle!!
I got a sewing machine!! Hooray!!!!
Paul is in love with the tool set that he received!!!
I made this quilt for my parents! Everyone who sees this should be proud (it is my first one!)
After the morning's events we went up to Soldier Hollow for some sledding!!!
Sisters getting ready to go down the hill!
Paul calls this cheater sledding because we didn't have to walk up the hill, we just had to hook up to a tow rope and then slide down! AWESOME!!!
Onto the Hutton's for round two of Christmas :) Paul and cute little Christopher staying warm!
Showing off the gift that Paul and I gave to Momma Hutton!
Paul loves Parcheesi!
Cute little Jori showing off the pillow that Grandma Hutton made for her!
Cameron is obsessed with LEGOs at the moment, he was really excited to get some more.
We played games on Christmas Night with the Hutton family and Paul got to be "Made Up" as part of one of the games. Isn't he cute?